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10 weeks skills development WINTER session registration is now open

- Level 1:  Tuesday and Thursday FULL- Tuesday Only FULL - Thursday Only FULL

- Level 2:  Tuesday and Thursday FULL - Tuesday Only FULL - Thursday Only FULL

- Level 3:  Monday and Wednesday FULL - Monday Only FULL - Wednesday Only FULL

10 Weeks Spring Session Registration Opens February 19th 4pm



Registration full? Stay updated send us an email to be included in our emailing list!


Registration Process

IMPORTANT: Please do not complete and send your registration if you can see above or on our home page that the registration is FULL, it will be rejected.

10 weeks sessions (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter). All registrations need to be made following these steps:

  • Click, download and print the registration pdf file below.
  • If your athlete was previously registered and nothing has changed (ie: medical details etc...) just fill in the first page
  • Fill it in clearly and sign the pages of this registration document.
  • Mail it (or drop it at the gym between 5pm and 6.30pm) together with a check for the session fees payable to Spikes llc at: Spikes llc , c/o Coach Pasky, Word of Life, 8700 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree CO 80124. 
  • We highly recommend that you drop registration documentation and check IN PERSON the day registration opens as existing players have priority and we always run at FULL capacity for each 10 weeks sessions.
  • Once we receive your registration documentation and check we will email you confirmation of enrollment. Your player is not enrolled until we send you a confirmation email.