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Spikes U15 Z Pasky

Hasini Kondaveeti #5 M/PIN
Mia Martin #4 DS/Libero
Aileen Garcia #7 PIN
Bree McNulty #13 M/PIN
Kacie Miranda #1 S/PIN
Makena Rebel #6 Libero/DS
Alice Weiss #3 M/PIN
Maggie Weiss #16 DS
Jada Cabral #8 Libero/DS
Savanna Schneider #9 PIN
Emi Tsuchimoto #10 DS
Lily Leyden #12 S
Head coach: Pasky    
Asst. Coach: Tarak    
Asst. Coach: Amanda    
Chaperone: Brissa    
Team mom: Heidi    

Please note:

Our team and players' Stats sub-page

 is accessible to players only

Spikes 15s Z season tournaments:

January 18-20 (3 days) Colorado Challenge, Loveland CO

January 31-2 (3 days) Crossroads, Denver CO

March 22-23 (2 days) Cowboy VolleyFest, Casper WY

April 11-13 (3 days) JVA World Challenge, Louisville KY

May 16-18 (3 days) Rumble in the Rockies, Aurora CO

June 17-20 (4 days) AAU Nationals, Orlando FL


Colorado Crossroads 3 day tournament - January 31/February 2


Colorado Challenge 3 day tournament - January 18/20

Spikes 15s Z Shines At This Year Colorado Challenge Toughest Division

Day 1:

Nothing much to say about today other than as usual we started the tournament slow and once again it almost cost us. They knew, we've been there so many times before as 14s.

We ended up 3 and 0 top of the pool and taking us into a much tougher pool for our second day. 


Outside - Rightside

Bree #13 shows the way

Many practices ups and downs

Always comes back Stronger

No drama - No argument

Head up and Proud

Happy and Kind

Performs when it matters

Becoming the perfect

All-around player







Day 2 and 3 " Championship day"

First game at 3pm and a tough loss vs a very beatable Elevation 15-1. Too many individual errors and out of character miss serves. I reminded my team why they were here, in the Elite Division and my belief in brushing this one off as a fluke. It definitely did the trick as they immediately disposed of Club V 15s out of Utah 25-22 and 25-23 followed by what I would consider the big one of the day: Colorado Juniors 15-2 in 2 sets 25-16 and 25-22.

This second day result pushed us in the Gold Championship bracket the following day against an even bigger prize: Colorado Juniors 15-1.

I reminded my players of this incredible opportunity to compete against the top 15s team from what I consider the top Club in Colorado. We beat their 2s yesterday! They are giants! I said but remember tall means tall that is it. And it, it was as we immediately set the tone and pulled away with a 5 points gap. I could see the disbelief on the other side of the net we were serving well, plenty of short serves (they are not used to these) we had confidence however we showed them way to much respect. They caught us and won that first set 25-22, but what a set it was! The second one was a tough one with too many points given away, we were emotionally drained and it showed as I subbed our topl player to give a chance and opportunity for our secondary setter to experience the moment. 

The photo below will help my team understand and appreciate what they were facing and yes 15-2 the day before were of the same height that 15-1 had just more experience and power and ended up winning the Division.

We finished 5th out of 24 teams. I cannot be more proud of my 15s Z team.